Still True

A short film shown at Passion City Church's 2018 Christmas Eve gatherings in Atlanta and Washington D.C.

Screenplay: Jason Dyba
Concept: Ryan McCormick, Louie Giglio
Director: Jeremiah Reynolds
DP: Kevin Collins
Grip: Cameron Kirschner
Drone: Cameron Kirschner
Editor: Kevin Collins
Producer: Paige Lorton
Voiceover director: Philip Oswald
Voiceover engineer: Stephan Hogan
Original music: Cody Fry
"Sun and the Moon" by Moments, licensed via

Father: Kimball Cummings Jr.
Amanda: Autumn Lee
Boyfriend: Alan Baertschi
Will: Louis de Wet
Mother: Onallee Serier
Father voiceover: Jerry "Pops" Hogan

Special thanks to Jennifer Gilles, Ezra Cohen, Brandon Sharp, Cody Fry, and Barclay & Lauren de Wet.